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- Anyone want a fuck
- players is opening back up in wakefield, get ready you grunge junkies
- There's always plenty of goths and emos sitting outside the cathedral. But they aren't the slightly cool ones you get in big cities. They're all just weird, and look alike, probably inbred.
- well we meet up at the wreck or the cathedral
- anywhere
- Mainly the retail park, down by mothercare and scs, it's alright but people keep melting the floor by setting fire to bins and stuff down there which can be a bit of a ball ache. Great place to warm up though, get to hide there for about an hour whilst you get your whole rythm and shit sorted so you dont look like a prat when your skating infront of randomers around the town
- outside cathedral
- we usually hook up around the retail park at a food place or in the snooty fox pub.
- Cathedrals pretty cool,don't goinside the ridings though because theres mostly chavs (scallys) wanting a fight with some 'moshers'
- cathedral on warm days or the garderns behind job center
- i've seen people at it in Thornes Park loads of times
- M n M's Bridge near the shop for drinking cider
- St. Johns Square
- we always meet at bus staion or walk in
- Outside the cathederal is a good spot for meeting weird + wonderful people just like u + me ;) in summer is usually best.
- Definitely on the wall by the cathedral, Grunge City
- pop and crisps nite at ikon wot a grand nite out sneakin the old vodders in down yer bra!!
- Dear Sirs I take strong exception to the article about Wakefield, about the way in which parts of it attacks Big Issue Sellers and other homeless people. I suffer from angina, and whilst walking through a fairly affluent part of Leeds, some years ago, I had an attack of angina, causing me to collapse. Whilst several people walked by or stopped and stared, the only person to come to my assistance was a Big Issue Vendor. He came to my aid, helped me up to my feet, bought me a coffee to help wash down the appalling after taste of my medication and stayed with me until I was sure my attack was over. Further more he would not accept my offer of money as a token of thanks for his help. NOT ALL HOMELESS PEOPLE AND BIG ISSUE SELLERS ARE BAD. THERE ARE THE GOOD AND THE BAD IN ALL WALKS OF LIFE. I am sorry but it does not take a big man to glorify in making cowardly attacks on vulnerable groups, such as the homeless. It just takes the small mind of an incredibly sick animal. I am sorry, but who ever wrote the cowardly article attacking homeless people in Wakefield, I would say that the average big issue seller or even the average beggar has far more manners and morals than that he ever will have any conception of.
- The garden of goth outside the Cathedral
- the green brige in wrenthorpe nr bowling avenue grafiifit on it from wrenny crew and outwood crew coz they always in a fight
- on lupset the field near the bottom of waterton road. mad place...
- cathedral rules
- The Gate, Northgate is a fantastic hook up spot. Quiet during the day for a cosy chat. Friendly bar staff and a fantastic meeting place to start of a brilliant night. Great music and a wkd atmosphere.
- outside cathedral most saturdays
- theres no chance of your mate ending up somewhere else when hooking-up if you say argos corner, just dont meet up there at 4am...uuuurrrrggghhhhh!!
- Hey, i just thought I'd say that wakie is a shithole, but thornes park is cool for a smoke,
- Actually the average age around the catherdral is 15-16 there really nice people they talk to absolutely anyone and hanging by the catherdral is not making a statement they mainly hang there cos theres like big places to sit and liek sly grassy areas to spark up weed bines and also there out of the way and not causing an obstruction.
- Outside cathedral
- There is a small jetty just off Barnsley Road near the Ultimate Hand Job Car Wash, ideal for stopping for a smoke on the way home to the bronx of Agbrigg.
- Wreny Park and Outwood park. Good for drinking Cider. I don't know if they still do but I got a crate full from the shop by Wreny church for 10 quid when I was 18* and carried them home (12 litres in glass bottles!) across wreny park to Peacock, god I must have wanted that. *to the nearest 4 years
- normie park 4eva
- In one of the many cafe bars that have sprung up
- Outside the Cathedral
- No Frills DIY on Chantry Bridge.
- if you are a nonce with a nova then McDonalds on cathedral retail park is the place to admire your mates alloys and ben sherman shirt.
- Bitz..A rite long pub darn westgit, a rite pulling trap for a fella
- cheapside taxi rank.. good for picking up a slapper or a fight !
- Listen, there ARE prostitutes around Argos. They're just not the typical torn tights and fag-ash tarts you used to see on The Bill or old Casualty episodes. They look normal, but it's PRETTY FUCKING OBVIOUS they're prostitutes. You think they're waiting for a bus outside Halifax Building Society at 4am?
- Why would anyone want to hook-up in Wakefield? The only people you meet in Wakefield are tramps and pissheads, if you want to hookup with them try the city centre or the hole of despair that is Lupset. By the way anyone down there in Lupset, enjoy your C2 + D rated jobs, unless you're on the dole or you go round Wakefield asking people for bus money to spend on White Lightning!
- end of chapel st in ryhill wakefield
- Bottom end of the ridings shopping center (on Kirkgate), there's often a lot of weirdo's downthere to laugh at while your waiting for you mates to turn up.
- wakey meetin places include argos corner.. sorry guys but the myth bout the prostitutes there is not true (thats the official line...) popular 2 meet around cathedral although its filled with moshers during the day who are quite frankly dill wipes, however at nite they usually disperse to go to each others houses seeing as their average age is about 5. but finally... which underage drinker in wakey and every teenager whos lived in wakey can forget what is most sacred to them... THORNES PARK.. buy ur booze down at m and ns by the pug car dealer and take the back street and find urself at the massive steps bbq, booze and drugs go down there.. it is an official rite of passage for a wakey teenager.
- Argos corner - central to all the pubs!
- It's not there anymore, the old bus station clock. Dunno where to go now
- Outside Supercigs, near the market house.
- Don't believe what people say. I've been to Wakefield many times and have NEVER seen any whores on Argos corner, it's all a hoax, Wakefield's pretty boring when you think about it. Don't hook up anywhere. go somewhere interesting instead like Leeds or Sheffield, or why not try Normanton, it's great at this time of year so I hear!
- Under the bus station clock....which has sadly been demolished to make way for another shopping centre!
- The Addy - A playground in Thornes, good for meeting people!
- Outside HMV right in the middle of town, also a great place to stare and laugh at the moshers ironicly congrigated around the cathedral thinking that they are making a statement
- Without a doubt the ultimate hook-up spot was Light-Waves swimming pool on a Saturday afternoon, full of nice girls that u could pull in your pre pub days. The area around it left a lot to be desired though.
- Don't arrange to meet anyone at the bus station clock,as it is due to be demolished very soon.
- All the moshers congregate outside the cathedral! im sure they're breeding and boots must be doing a roaring trade in black eyeliner and lipstick! not too good in the shampoo dept. though!
- try the benches outside mcdonalds met many fine people there while enjoying the fine food that they serve.
- Once agian im here to tell you all about lindale hills. you can find them near sunnyhill stores halfway up Wrenthorpe lane follow lindale lane untill you reach the scrap yard them at the end of the scrappers look left and follow the track. If you here noises in the bushes or see anyone walking around with red squinty eyes thats us. dont worry were only smoking 'wakey baky' Ry2k and I.A.N once agian invite you to join the party
- Outside the banks on westgate.
- Under the bus station clock is where everybody meets everybody in Wakey. There isn't anywhere else to meet but pleanty hang out at the cathedral.
- The greatest place in the world to hang out has got to be Wrenny beck. What a massive amount of clean water that is!!!! NOT!!!
- ARGOS CORNER, ARGOS CORNER, HOOKERS AND WHORES YEAH, ARGOS CORNER!!! Also, check out the old knocking shop in Ossett! Worth a visit.....or so I'm told!
- Argos corner - Good for meeting pre thought sociable women
- Market-This is where all the teenage throwbacks hang out, and get pissed in the ARk (this is a ride)
- The Precint: This is where 13 year old Skater wannabees hang out drinking cider pretneding there old enough to shave and date older women
- Wakefields Retail Park: Full of boy racers with blonde following females!
- Staples car park Sunday nights they are kicking! (Literally, each other, or driving very fast over each other, or on some nights shooting each other)
- Under the Bus Station clock. Great for following up phone numbers aquired on Saturday night.
- The Hill!(Lindale Hill) at the top of Wrenthorpe! Good on a clear dry night!
- By the Cathedral near Burger King.
- Under the bus station clock. At the train station on the way to Leeds for a good night out.
- Top of Troughwell in Wrenthorpe, if you aint been there, you aint been nowhere!
- Top of Westgate by the space bogs Argos Corner (prostitute area)
- behind carpet right in the retail park.Skate there at about 8 o'clock on a night
- Precinct, Burger King, Players, Post Office.
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All the information in the Knowhere Guide has been contributed by users over the years. No one person is responsible for it all and not all contributors will agree with all the opinions included.Parts of this information have been supplied by: Sandy, Jim Cameron, haydn, ROB 'HARDCORE LEGEND' SMITH, devil_driver, carl jeffery, phil, Katy, coleen wilkinson, J Prince, pete( guy with the girly grip tape), David Roberts, Kane, muff, fred smith, CAROL, Marci, mr magoo, Susie Dean, geo, Jon Pritchard, Steve Symon, Ryan Thomas, chris allan, Amanda, becki tp, lauren, Billy Fawcett, charlie boy, Renzuken, Rob Taylor, Chris Charlton, will, jodie, Charlie, bod thorpe, Jonty, Jonno, Jonathon Poole, nicole, Steve Gibson, kevin charlton, Jonathon, Dub Cat, shane clark, Doug, CC_DIVA, Georgie, Jennifer H, andi, Adam Smith, Mc porker, beth, Kel, Terry Leslie, suzie, Harley Quinn, joe shortt, Nige, Debi, Wayne Rockett, Ry2k, hel'n'back, Dave Clark, andrew earnshaw, luke, Sib, alex tilson, debra atkinson, pete_guy with the girly grip tape, bradders, cal, The Bunts, Euan, ada wilson, H, Libby Davys, pam, joe, P. Kenifeck, gemma, KERRY WINTER, Jo, Stacey, pete, gazz the goth/mosh, Emmanuel Goldstein, barbara green, wakeyweb, Cat, Derek Pants, tom, liz benit, craig wells, John Wakefield, jay, Leanne Mc T, ewrewsdf, J raver, cherrie, Kazz B, BH, Livie, tony railton, Jonny Town, bagpus, john ashton, ghulam, paul, kezia, nigel hardcastle, Natalie Audsley, the_innocent_ojs, mark, craig, Dan Donnely, Niall, carrie, Simo, lee rusling, suzi, jim, Mr Bailey, Katya, Isabella, jee, LYNSEY, debs, vyvyan green, lukeatbretton, debbie, James Cameron, natasha, Andy Rodgers, Vaugahn, Trefor Owen, JH, emily, Joe the Toe, dave, craig lassey, ian o'shea, susie, Dave Cooper, Virgil, lou, Joel Rowbottom, nik smith, cHRIS cLAYTON, brack, jamie, predator, sam mawson, John Prince, jason, KaT, lewis fisher, kev, Richard, greg jones, Rory, keggy hander, Liz, tippin, Benny, spud, Nicci, Robert, Kieron Robinson, j brooke, gazz the goth, adolf Genghis Slobodan Thatcher, Naybo, Gill Lockwood, Tony, A.J.Kickass, gw, max, LOUISE GAINES, sTuFf, Alex L., emma spencer, vaizay, mar, oh max, kattt, Christine Carl, andrew irving, Dodgy Bloke from Fear of Jazz, Ryan, generic, JO FITZ, squeeko, emma morton, Barnaby Hoofer, Humper, Jo Dior-Kins, sarah bateson, helen strong, Dan C, dick splash, Sarah, mandy, Martin Edwards, andy, keith, maz vickers, spacemomkey, kathryn, Sally D, Rob, vikki, becks, andy robinson, lisa, Ian Pickering, Leanne Marshall, Mel Ainsworth, faisal, Ed, haley, Steve
Last updated: 2015-12-20
Last updated on June 1st, 2020
If you are looking for the best places to meet girls in Kuching with a dating guide you are in luck. Give us a few minutes and we will cover where to pick up single women and the best spots for a date night in full.
Table of Contents
The nightlife along Padungan Road will be where this guide begins, next we will discuss meeting single Kuching girls during the day and the best online dating sites to use. Date night ideas will follow that and all the great options for outdoor things to do during the day will have to get a mention.
Trying to hook up with girls from Malaysia is never easy, but after reading this you will be as ready as you ever will.

Nightclubs & Pick Up Bars
Let’s start this off with a list of singles bars and nightclubs to pick up Kuching girls:

- Monkeebar at 12, Padungan Rd
- The Walk Star Bistro at 22, Carpenter St
- Bear Garden Pub at 66, Wayang St
- Bla Bla Bla at 27 Tabuan St
- The Cottage at 23, Jalan Bukit Mata
- Riverview Bar at Riverbank Suites, Jl. Tunku Abdul Rahman
- Drunk Monkey Old Street Bar at 68, Carpenter St
- Borneo Redneck’s Bar at 65, 66 Pandungan Rd
- The Junk at 80, Wayang St
- Havana Cafe at 22, Tabuan St
- The Wayang at 86A, Tabuan St
The main area for singles nightlife is along Padungan Road just South of the Sarawak River. There are other bars scattered around the city, but if you want to hook up with Kuching girls at bars this will be the most likely place to do it.
Not only will local Sarawak women be going here to party but many female tourists will also be partying at this singles nightlife area. Guys who hope to get laid should try to get a room as close to Padungan Road as possible to improve their chances.
You shouldn’t expect to find the same level of debauchery here as when trying to find women at bars and nightclubs in Bali or even what you will see at girly bars in Batam. Things are more laid back here.
Meet Kuching Girls During The Day
Day game is going to be pretty difficult for a variety of reasons. First off, most women from Sarawak are going to be highly religious which usually means very conservative.
Secondly, they probably won’t be that great at speaking English and if you are a tourist you probably don’t speak much Malay. Walking up to lots single girls in Kuching who you may not be able to communicate with and who are only interested in a serious relationship will rarely lead to a hook up.
If you want to find a girlfriend then who knows, but if you just want to get laid hit on other tourists around Padungan Road and forget about the locals. However if those locals are out at bars or clubs on Padungan Road getting wasted then you probably have a chance.
With all of that said if you want to ignore our advice then try to pick up women at malls and shopping districts like:
- The Spring Shopping Mall
- Boulevard Shopping Mall
- Vivacity Megamall
- Plaza Merdeka
- Riverside Shopping Complex
- Tun Jugah Shopping Center
- CityONE Megamall Kuching
Chat With Girls Online
Often times when guys travel to foreign lands they find it can be a whole lot easier for them to get laid. Just by being different than the local men who women in Borneo are used to they have a bit of an edge.
Unfortunately in a conservative country like Malaysia you shouldn’t be banking on this. The women in Sarawak do not really hook up with strangers for the fun of it, they definitely prefer serious relationships.
Whenever you are in a conservative place like this you really need to be talking to as many girls near you as possible if hooking up is the goal. Go walk up to one girl at the mall and the odds of you and her going out on a date and you getting laid in the near future won’t be high at all.

Message a hundred single girls in Kuching on Malaysian Cupid and the math starts tilting in your favor. Just because most of the women here are very conservative doesn’t mean they all are, you just need to take a mass volume approach to find the types who want to hook up quick.
Use Malaysian Cupid to message as many girls as possible, invite them out for drinks at a bar. If they say yes to that then you at least know they aren’t the ultra-conservative type who never goes out after dark.
Kuching Dating Guide
Now that you are aware of the best ways to meet single girls near you this Kuching dating guide needs to prepare you for the next step. Getting girls to go out with you isn’t always easy and you need to be prepared when one says yes.
Any of these romantic restaurants or cocktail bars should work well on a Kuching date night:
- Lepau Restaurant at 395 Ban Hock Rd
- Peridot Kuching at 80 Ewe Hai St
- James Brooke Bistro at Tunku Abdul Rahman St
- Basaga at 70, Tabuan St
- Escobar at SF3 Damai Central, Pantai Damai
- The Barber Cafe & Bar at 74, Wayang St
- Borneo Delight at 13, Wayang St
- The Granary Kitchen + Bar at 23, Wayang St
- Zinc Restaurant & Bar at 38, Tabuan Rd
After you have a meal go party in the nightlife along Padungan Road or take a romantic walk along the Sarawak River.
Day Date Ideas
Now we are getting to where this city really shines. The Sarawak region is just loaded with awesome outdoor activities, some of the best would be:
- Bako National Park
- Semenggoh Nature Reserve
- Kubah National Park
- Sarawak Orchid Garden
- Kuching Wetlands National Park
- Mount Santubong
- The Great Orangutan Project
- Wind Caves
A quick trip over to Satang Island would also be worthwhile, and for a full weekend getaway Kuala Lumpur would be hard to beat. If you wanted an island trip try somewhere like Langkawi.
To get a sense of the culture and history of the area on your date during the day go to:
Wakefield Best Place Hook Up Monitors
- Chinese Museum
- Fort Margherita
- Sarawak Museum
- The Ranee Museum
- Upside Down House
- Cat Museum
Tips For Tourists & Expats
We don’t have too much more to add but did want to share some travel tips and discuss dating Kuching girls a bit more. Hooking up won’t often come quick, if you only care about getting laid and moving on to the next one just try to pick up other tourists.
The local Sarawak women would like make a great wife, but as far as one night stands go don’t expect them often. As far as the travel stuff goes book a hotel room near Padungan Road if you plan to do a lot of partying.
That is the epicenter of the nightlife and the closer you stay to it the smoother the transition back to your place will be if you do reel one in. The local currency is the ringgit which trades at about 4 for every USD.
Enjoy Dating Kuching Girls
Wakefield Best Place Hook Ups
That is all we have for you today. Please fill us in on any of your own tips or correct anything we may have on this page that becomes out of date in the comments if you can.
Best Place Milwaukee
Chatting with the single women around Borneo on Malaysian Cupid will help you find the rare outliers who want to hook up a whole lot quicker than any other way can. That wraps up our best places to meet girls in Kuching with our dating guide, enjoy your time here.