The Hookup In Muscle Shoals Alabama

Courtesy: TimesDaily It’s impossible to talk about the history of American music and not mention Muscle Shoals. During the ’60s and ’70s, the biggest artists in the world retreated to small-town Alabama to work with famed music producer Rick Hall and the legendary Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section, aka the Swampers.

  • The above 100% free dating personal ads show only partial results. If you are searching for women seeking men and looking to hookup in Muscle shoals, sign up today.™ provides Muscle shoals sexy dating ads and Sexy Dates. Whether you want Black, White, Older, Younger, Skinny, Big, or Hot Women; we have all kinds of personal ads.
  • Picking the 20 best songs ever recorded in the Muscle Shoals area, at now-iconic studios such as Fame and Muscle Shoals Sound, is a daunting task. There's been so much amazing music made there.
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Mus·cle Shoals

A city of northwest Alabama on the Tennessee River. It is known for its recording industry.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Mus′cle Shoals`

former rapids of the Tennessee River in SW Alabama, changed into a lake by Wilson Dam: part of the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

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It rained here in Florence on Thursday morning so we didn't get Swing Set washed but we did get the engine synchronizer fixed, or at least the part installed. We'll know if it works when we head down the river on Friday morning.
Rosie went to the dermatologist. The appointment was at 3 P.M. and we were 45 minutes early. We were walking out of there by 3 P.M. and it was nothing serious. The doctor froze off the small bump on her temple. I won't get into the medical details.
After the doctor's appointment in Florence, we headed across the river to Muscle Shoals. We made another stop at the Tractor Store and Dollar General for some stuff we forgot to get on the day before. Then we went to Champy's for an early dinner at 4 P.M.

There were plenty of customers in there at that early hour and we both ordered a three piece chicken dinner; mine was white meat and Rosie ordered dark meat. Look how big those chickens were! We both could eat only two pieces, so we brought the rest back to the boat. If anybody lives in Muscle Shoals, Daphne, or Chattanooga, you have to try this place. Nothing fancy, but goooood chicken.
The important object in this picture is the sticker at the top. I took it with my old iPhone and there is no flash. I didn't want too much attention drawn because I didn't ask permission to put the sticker up. Judging by the decor in Champy's, I don't think anyone will notice and take offense, but you never can tell.
We put some fuel in the courtesy car and returned to the marina by 5 P.M. in case some new arrivals wanted to use it. We went to the office to talk to Eva, the owner, one last time. She's really nice and helped us out a lot. Anyone passing through this way should make a stop at the Florence Harbor Marina.
Holly was glad to see us when we got back to the boat. After taking care of some quick business we took Holly for a walk. There is a nice city park adjacent to the marina and plenty of walking and biking paths to use.
Once back on board, we watched a Netflix movie. We used to watch current movies nearly every night in St. Louis. Now we watch older movies once or twice a month and it's really a treat.
Muscle We're heading out early on Friday morning and setting the chart plotter for Aqua Yacht Harbor. If we get there before they close, we'll talk with them about our plan to get our prop repaired, and anything else wrong that we may find. This will mean a few days on the hook in the Iuka, Mississippi area. We were there a little over a month ago and enjoyed our stay. It seems a lot longer ago than that.

Muscle Shoals Alabama Map

The other big thing on our minds is that our condo was shown twice this week to the same client, but we haven't heard anything from our agent yet. We are keeping our fingers crossed hoping to get a fair offer so we can get it behind us. Some larger, and more complicated portions of our trip are in front of us and we don't need the distraction.